Tuesday, October 23, 2012


McFarland, Kenneth.Botany 111 Fall 2012 Blog .http://botany1112012.blogspot.com/ .October 21, 2012

Cook R. and McFarland K. General Botany 111 Laboratory Manual.2012.4th ed. 155-157 p.

Patterson D.J.2003. Free-Living Freshwater Protozoa. London: Manson Publishing Ltd.

Forest, Herman Silva.1954. Handbook of Algae with Special Reference to Tennessee and the Southeastern United States. Knoxville (TN): The University of Tennessee Press.

Presscott G.W.1964 The Freshwater Algea.2nd ed. Dubuque(IA):WM.C Brown Company Publishers.
Smith, Douglas Grant.2001.Pennak’s Freshwater Invertebrates of the United States: Porifera to Crustcea.4th ed. New York(NY): John Wiley&Sons,Inc.
Pennak, Robert W.1989.Pennak’s Freshwater Invertebrates of the United States:Protozoa to Mollusca.3rd ed. New York(NY): John Wiley&Sons,Inc.

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